Hi Lyx-Folks,

One of the less documened, but very useful features of LyX is to assign formattings by key strokes. It is so convenient to press e.g. "ALT-P S" to format a paragraph as "Standard"

So I looked up the actually defined keystrokes in menus.bind. However, I am either not able to interpret some of them or I just fail to press them on a German keyboard. Maybe somebody could put some light on this:

# I have no problems with these:
\bind "M-p ~S-5"              "layout Paragraph"
\bind "M-p ~S-6"              "layout Subparagraph"

# I don't know how to press these
# What is asterisk on a German keyboard?
# Or is it a "magic" key?
\bind "M-p ~S-asterisk ~S-5"  "layout Paragraph*"
\bind "M-p ~S-asterisk ~S-6"  "layout Subparagraph*"

In a more general sense: Is there any document that describes the definition format of \bind strokes? I am specifically interested in the non-obvious details, e.g. the names of special keys and the meaning of symbols such as ~ or -



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