John Kane wrote:

If you have acroread32 set as the viewer for PDF (pdflatex), that would explain why View->PDF (pdflatex) now calls Acrobat Reader. Otherwise, it's probably the same phenomenon that causes your car to do strange things until you get a mechanic to look at it, at which point it abruptly sobers up and drives straight.

I may have done that in the install, remove install
sequence.  How to I find out? I don't see anything
obvious about setting a PDF reader.

Tools -> Preferences ... -> File formats lists all the file formats LyX recognizes. For each, you can specify a program to display it in the Viewer: field. (If the program is not on your system command path, you can either specify a full path here or add the path to it to Tools -> Preferences ... -> Paths -> PATH prefix.) After adding a viewer, click Modify and then Save.

Car? What's a car? I ride a bicycle, mind you I still
get strange noises from it but the mechanic usually
can find an expensive cure.

A car is a replacement for a team of horses, the main purposes being to (a) find a way to consume more expensive fuel and (b) trade methane exhaust for carbon exhaust. (A side benefit is that cars tend to leak fluids rather than solids.)


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