I uninstalled LyX 1.4.4-2 (which crashed on start) and installed 1.4.4-3 (in both cases, the "light" or "official" installer). LyX 1.4.4-3 starts correctly. The only change in my installation procedure was that with 1.4.4-3 I told the installer to download the English Aspell dictionary. With 1.4.4-2 I did not have the installer add any dictionaries (since I already had Aspell dictionaries installed). I doubt that difference could account for 1.4.4-2 crashing before the GUI opened up, but who knows?

So the good news is that LyX now starts, and processes some documents (those without graphics) correctly. The bad news is that if a document contains graphics, LyX hangs as soon as I scroll into the vicinity of the first image. (This includes the User guide.) This occurs even if the image is set not to display in LyX.

When LyX hangs, lyxc.exe is hammering the processor (50% or so utilization on my dual core machine). The process tree shows lyx.exe owning a temp job that owns lyxc.exe, but nothing else (in particular, no indication that ImageMagick, GhostScript or Python is running). After I kill LyX, it provides the somewhat uninformative message

lyx: Disabling LyX socket.
Consider installing the PyWin extension modules if you're irritated by windows 
appearing briefly.

I tried running it with dbg -any (remind me not to do that again; I got motion sickness from all the output scrolling by). The tail end of the debug output ends with

Paint inset fully
Paint inset fully

Paint inset fully
Paint inset fully
Paint inset fully
Paint inset fully
lyx::sum() using istreambuf_iterator (fast)

which I suspect is also uninformative.


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