On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 12:46:50 -0600
Lyx Physicist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Paul, 
>    Thanks for all the help so far. Im getting close it seems.. So here
> is what is happening now.  I inserted the \makeatletter at the
> beginning of the text you gave me to insert in the preamble.  What I
> want is this(just to re-clarify):
> the TOC starts on page v(I am using roman numerals up till I get to
> the first chapter) and is two pages long so it is pages v and vi with
> only the second page, vi, being numbered..  Then the List of
> Tables(one page at vii un-numbered) and then the List of Figures(two
> pages long at viii and ix, only page ix numbered)
> What I am getting is:
>   TOC is fine.  It is numbered correctly.  BUT it has the List of
>   Tables
> starting at page vi, instead of vii. So it is not "counting" the
> second page of the TOC in the page numbering.  Then I get the List of
> figures at vii instead of viii. Also the first page of the List of
> figures is still numbered...  So that is what I have now.
>   As for the second problem:  I use the linux box(ubuntu) at home
>   mainly
> as a back up to my macbook(OS X) to write my thesis.  So there are
> probably file misplacements that I havent changed or updated on my nix
> box, which gave the error.  I will have to look at that today/tomm..
>    Again, thanks for all the help.  It is worth the frustration if I
>    can
> learn how to do it in the end. 
> Charles

The wrong numbering is probably due to that latex is not run enough by
LyX. I think we should try to debug this by exporting to latex and then
running latex from the terminal.

As for numbering still showing up on the first page of your list of
tables, I don't know why that is happening with your LyX document. I
just ran a test version in pure latex with enough \chapters to generate
a two-page toc, and enough captions to generate a two-page list of
tables. Page numbers appeared only on the second page of the toc and
lot. One reason that toc and lot can be incorrect is that an old
file.toc and file.lot is on your system and you are not running latex
enough times. In order to test my file, I removed test.lot and test.toc
and then ran latex *3* times. I'm not sure how to do this from LyX. 

I think if you export your file to latex and run it 3 times both
mistakes should be fixed. 

How many figures do you have? Could you export the file to latex, save
it as temp.tex, and get rid of the figures, and then run latex 3 times
just to see if we've fixed the list of table and toc problem? If you
have a lot of figures, then you could try this:

sed -e 's/\\includegraphics{[^}]*}//g' thesis.tex > temp.tex

This assumes that when you export your document, it is named thesis.tex.
Change the name to whatever it is. The sed stuff just gets rid of all
graphics in  your document so that you can run a text.

However, if your grahics are in child documents, that won't work, since
missing figures will still show up when you run latex. Let me know if
there is any way you can export a latex file and run latex on it.


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