On Mar 6, 2007, at 8:57 AM, Steve Litt wrote:

> There's budget for a human indexer, as long as the indexer is me  
> (the author).

Got it.

> So as the human indexer, how do I make this thing an index instead  
> of a
> concordance?

A concordance is just a list of words in a document w/ reference to  
where they occur. An index is a structured, ordered list of the  
concepts and ideas and terminology in a document which allows one to  
determine if a desired bit of information is present in a document,  
and if so, where to find it.

> My plan is to use the word list program to make sure I don't
> leave out things that shouldn't be left out, not to give every term  
> page
> numbers.


> How do I make it a real index?

The traditional thing to do is to read the text twice, once to  
familiarize yourself w/ it and to make notes on what people might  
need / want to look for, the second time, to flag all terms /  
concepts as desired (usually using post it notes, or index cards).

You may want to look up tools like the showidx package which will  
help you to consider the index as you're working w/ the text.


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications

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