On 3/22/07, Bruno Schneider wrote:
Figures are EPS, and since I can usually work with figures, I checked
the document's LaTeX preamble.

It has


at the end. If I remove this line, Figures are exported OK.

Looking at the mz.sty file, I can't figure out what breaks the
figures, perhaps someone can help me...

Updated, simplified version of the problem:

Start a new LyX file. Add a floating figure. Edit the LaTeX preamble
and add "\input{mz.sty}" (mz.sty is attached in previous post). Now
the figure no longer works.

However, if you edit mz.sty and comment out line 24
(\renewcommand{\empty}{\emptyset}), it works.

Interestingly, if you change line 24 to
"\renewcommand{\empty}{$\emptyset$}" it also works, but an empty set
sign appears in the figure.

So it seems "\empty" is used in figures. Can anybody explain that?

Bruno Schneider

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