Québec, le 25 mars 2007

I compiled and installed LyX 1.5.0 beta1 on Ubuntu 6.10. It seems a
little faster than 1.4 series. I wanted to try it especially for UTF-8
as Ubuntu 6.10 is UTF-8 based by default (like all modern linux

A copy/paste from another application (Gedit, Firefox, etc) to LyX
gives me garbage for every diacritic sign (accented letters, ç, etc). I
thought that a copy from UTF-8 to UTF-8 application would be easier :-( 

There are other annoyances in LyX 1.5.0 beta1 (QT4):

- using the mouse to select a word, a few words or even a paragraph
often fails, the beginning of the mouse selection or the ending
selection are often forgotten with Gnome 2.16 (and the behavior is
worst if you use Beryl);

- I can import any other LyX files but I can't export to any previous
version of LyX, I'm having this message:
«Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution de python -tt
Indicating that an error occured while executing python;

- Previewing a file in the dvi viewer sometimes doesn't work, I'm
having such a message:
inexistant : /tmp/lyx_tmpdir12244R5TMCz/lyx_tmpbuf1/blabla.dvi»
or Inexistant File: /tmp...blabla.dvi as if LyX looses the dvi
temporary file

I know this is a beta. Am I alone with these problems?



Édité et transmis avec des logiciels libres sous Linux !

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