From: Lennart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> what about using two-sided document? do document --> settings and in
> the Page Layout panel check the two-sided document box.

Thanks! it works!

Some problems left with the numbering (lyx puts a 2 on the blank page while I am
using Italic numbers (I II IV) bu I think I can solve that myself)

I don't know if this works for you, but what I did for my PhD thesis
was creating the first pages in my favourite fashion, with:

 - first page: images (logo of my university), non standard author
names (me and my advisor), custom spacing (using vfill)
- second page: blank
- 3rd page: a quotation (it is always cool to quote someone!)
- 4th page blank

to achieve this I used the command \thispagestyle{empty} in an ERT box
(for each page) and page breakes. I know this is not in the LyX/LaTeX
philosophy but it was pretty quicker to achieve what I wanted.

Then i used the \frontmatter command (hence the roman numbering),
inserted an introduction, TOC's, \mainmatter command (arabic
numbering), the core of the thesis, and finally \backmatter with
appendices, bibliography etc

Here you can find a template for a PhD thesis based on this principles:

otherwise I can send you the whole thesis!

see you - Diego


|   __o    | It is easier
|  _`\(,_  |  to get forgiveness
| (_)/ (_) |  than permission

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