Sorry, not a lyx specific question, but more of a latex one.  What I want to
do is preserve my figure captions and labels, so that they can be properly
referred to in the latex (lyx) document, but I do not want the figure
graphics shown in the final output.  Is there any way to do this, some extra
flag in the float environment that says "don't show this figure?"  I need to
do this because some journals have very annoying automated systems for
taking uploaded latex and generating documents for reviewers, but yet they
want figures uploaded separately.  I want to avoid having the generated
output showing my figures twice!

Generally, is there any way to add figure labels (that is, labels within the
figure float environment) without actually showing any figures?  No matter
how I do it, I seem to find some residue in the final output related to my
attempts to do this (for instance, if I do a \begin{figure} and
\end{figure}, and put a caption label in between, I will still see  figure
1:  etcetera in the final output).


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