Same problem here (Intel Mac, 10.4.9). File attached. When Lg >
Encoding is set to utf8, I get a Package inputenc error. When Lg >
Encoding is set to "default," I get "error closing output file...
Please change to utf8."

The only IPA character in the file is a schwa (ə).


On 4/25/07, Stacia Hartleben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, anything I try when it's not in utf8 will give me the message
about " Error closing output file: some of the characters are not
representable in this document's encoding. Please change to UTF8". I
tried Latin1, Default, and ascii as well as some other ones for good
measure. But then if I *do* change to utf8, it won't use the
file...This seems similar to the bug that I posted before about
problems using Japanese characters in other encodings...but it seems
very odd that it would turn up here, since it pretty much renders the
Unicodesymbols file useless.

On 4/25/07, Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> > Hi, I downloaded the latest Unicode symbols file to play with
> > Devanagari encodings...I'm having trouble though. I can't get many of
> > the characters in there to work - even ones that were already inputted
> > (the TIPA ones)...for example the glottal stop, upsideown m, etc...I
> > can get some of the extended latin characters at the top of the file
> > to work, however. The rest give me errors about not being defined.
> > What am I doing wrong? Can someone send me a file that works for them
> > with the latest version of unicodesymbols so I can see if I can load
> > it here?
> If you use utf8 as encoding for LaTeX the unicodesymbols file will not be
> used, because all these characters can be encoded in utf8. The
> unicodesymbols file will only be used for symbols that cannot be encoded in
> the choosen encoding. Use something like auto, latin1 or even ascii in the
> document settings.
> If you still have problems send a sample document and describe exactly what
> goes wrong.
> Georg

Attachment: unicode_failure.lyx
Description: Binary data

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