Yegor Yefremov wrote:

I use Lyx 1.5.0beta2 for Windows. At first I used Acrobat Reader 8.0. Because of the known bug I decided to install Foxit Reader 2.0 (I didn't uninstall Adobe Reader 8.0). It is now my default PDF-Viewer. When I export my Lyx-File to PDF I can open it with Foxit, but when I make View->PDF(pdflatex) I only got Foxit started without PDF in it. After reading this thread I added Foxit-path to PATH-prefix but without advancement. What am I doing wrong?

Best regards,

Yegor Yefrmov
I fixed the problem by changing Lyx:Preferences->File formats->PDF (pdflatex)->Viewer->PDFViewWin to Lyx:Preferences->File formats->PDF (pdflatex)->Viewer->"Foxit Reader.exe". It works fine. But when I restart Lyx this setting (Viewer->"Foxit reader.exe") disappears. What's the problem?

Best regards,

Yegor Yefremov

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