On Mon, 07 May 2007 18:44:56 -0400
"Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Micha Feigin wrote:
> > Is it necessary to use ert for \and when multiple authors are used,
> Yes (AFAIK).
> > or is there a lyx way?
> Haven't found one.  Hypothetically it might be possible to cobble 
> together a layout file that dealt with this by having two author 
> environments (one for the last or sole author, one for any author other 
> than the last), but I think it would involve convincing LyX not to stick 
>   a blank line (or bunch of blank lines) in the exported LaTeX file 
> between author fields, and I don't know how to do that, or even if it's 
> possible.
> You can, of course, bind a key combination to insert the \and in ERT. 
> The sequence to bind would be something like

I don't think that it's something worth doing considering this appears
something like once per paper and once in while. It's just that I try to avoid
ert hacks when a more appropriate solution exists (they are hard to maintain
and debug)

>    command-sequence ert-insert;self-insert \and{};
> /Paul

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