>>To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
>>Subject: html (oolatex/word) conversions not working.  Font problem
>>Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 12:25:46 -0300
>>From: Rudi Gaelzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I'm trying to convert a lyx file to MS word format.
>>Trying oolatex through tex4ht:
>>mk4ht oolatex file.tex 
>>gives the error message: --- error --- Can't find/open file `ecti1095.tfm'
>>and does not create the xml file as supposed. However, latex compiles and 
>>creates the dvi file without problems.

What is your TeX engine ? Upgrading to TeXlive 2007 improved the tex4t 
for me (docs failing with TL2005 were translated with TL2007).

However I can only translate simple english documents with tex4ht,
no success with French docs, so I rather user latex2rtf,
see the recent thread about "How to Spot a Word Processed Book"
on the list archive.


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