Thx Bennett, right now I can't do it. But one thing I forgot to say is
that she's using "APAlike" BibTeX style and Natbib with author-year.
Can you try with that combination?

On 5/21/07, Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On May 21, 2007, at 7:03 AM, Julio Rojas wrote:

> Hi, my wife is working with LyX 1.4.4 and BibDesk 1.3.5 on MacOS
> 10.4.9.
> She's working on a paper and while trying to add a citation, LyX shows
> that the citation has no year:
> Feeny et al. (No year)
> But in fact, whe the PDF is generated, the citation is correctly
> shown:
> Feeny et al. (1990)
> I will add the BibTeX record on this email for you evaluation. I
> belive there's some combination of characters that are giving troubles
> to LyX.
> BTW, should I add this as a Bug???
> Thx in advance. The following text is the (rather lengthy) BibTeX
> record:

Works fine for me. Can you provide a minimal LyX file that shows the


Julio Rojas

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