
(Intel Mac OS 10.4.9, MacTeX).

I can confirm the font display problem for Times. The font looks fine
in the PDF file.

I didn't notice the View menu issue right away, because I usually view
PDFs by hitting Cmd+T (ps2pdf), which apparently works in 1.5.0 even
if the option doesn't appear in the View menu. Before reconfiguring,
only "Open/Close Insets," "View source," "Update," and "Toolbars"
appeared in the View menu (the Update submenu was empty).
Reconfiguring added "DVI", "ps2pdf", "HTML," and "Postscript." Still
no PDFLatex, dvipdfm, or RTF.

I am still experiencing the old problem with line breaks. It is
impossible to select and delete just the line break--instead, the
character immediately before it gets deleted.

Progress report on IPA/unicode: unicode characters like schwa and
upside down "r" now work fine without any tweaking under default
settings now. Others, like theta, don't. Attempts to view PDF (ps2pdf)
get the message "some characters are probably not representable in
chosen encoding, changing encoding to utf8 could help." Changing
encoding to utf8 produces Package Inputenc errors. Changing encoding
to UTF8 produces "an empty file was generated" plus "LaTeX error: file
`UTF8.def' not found."

Finally, while playing around with the qtree package, I discovered a
small instant preview bug that is present both in 1.4.4 and in
1.5.0b3. A tree like \Tree [.a b c] will display without lines in
instant preview, but it shows up correctly in PDF (with
\usepackage[noeepic]{qtree} in the preamble). This is not a high
priority issue.

Other than that, LyX 1.5.0 looks great.


On 5/21/07, Bennett Helm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
A binary has now been posted for LyX/Mac 1.5.0 beta 3, available here:


The usual cautions apply: this is beta software, and things can go
disastrously wrong leading to data loss. While I don't expect there
to be any problems, and while I have been using developmental
versions LyX-1.5.0 on my own documents without any trouble, I also
religiously make backups.

Three issues for Mac deserve special mention, the first two
concerning the display fonts (LyX > Preferences > Screen fonts).
First, Times does not display properly. (Some sans-serif font is
displayed instead.) Second, with some fonts pressing <down-arrow>
(and sometimes <up-arrow> as well) will cause the cursor to skip
lines. Times New Roman seems to work well, but it would be good to
know which fonts work and which don't.

A third issue concerns typesetting. Before you run LyX for the first
time, make sure you run the installer. Then run LyX and check the
View menu to make sure options like PDF (pdflatex) appear. If the
menu is mostly empty, you'll probably be able to fix it by
reconfiguring LyX (LyX > Reconfigure) and then restarting. If you
have this problem, please report it to the list along with details
concerning your setup: Intel or PPC Mac as well as how you installed
LaTeX (i-Installer, MacTeX, fink, macports, etc.).

In spite of these warnings and cautions, LyX-1.5.0 has come a long
way since beta 2. I urge you to try it and report your experiences
with it to the list.



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