Graham Griffiths wrote:
Is there a way of getting code listings to continue onto another page using float algorithm.

If not, does the latest beta version support a multi-page float algorithm.
There is no such thing as a multi-page float.

If it isn't a float - then it can continue onto the next page.  If it is
a float, then it can't have a page break.

The whole point of a "float" is to not break up large objects
(pictures, tables, or anything you _must_ have in one piece)
and still get pretty typesetting by floating the large
objects around a bit. If you don't want it in one piece,
don't use a float. (Or use several floats with pieces of your
big algorithm.)

Breakable code listings can be done in many ways:
1. Use the "LyX-code" style for writing code.
2. Use a verbatim include, in order to pull in code from a file
3. With the last beta, use "insert->Program listing" and _don't_ make it a float.
4. Use a sequence of floats for your algorithm. The first ones should
   be big enough to fill pages, the last one may be smaller.

Another reason people use floats, is to get a caption they can refer
to. Unfortunately, a caption outside a float is tricky business.
The easiest is to use a heading instead - as you can refer to headings too.

The "program listing" way is nice, in that you can select whether an
algorithm should be a float or not. And there are lots of other
features. You can get automatic syntax higlighting if you like, you can
get automatic line numbers, you can include pieces from
a file (e.g. lines 10--20) and much more.

Helge Hafting

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