From: Vaclav Smidl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have been using LyX on windows XP since a while now and i am trying
to move to Linux. I have not tried to install LyX on Linux yet (I am
sorry but i already know that it won't be easy, I already tried once
with no success) but my question is different now.

******* On ubuntu it should be as easy as typing
$ apt-get install lyx
on the command line, or selecting lyx in synaptic and pressing apply button.
(assuming that you are connected to the internet)

I'll give it a try, but LyX is not on the Synaptic manager, as far as
I can see (on Ubuntu 7.04)... is it of your (= the LyX developers)

When I view my old documents (i.e. the pdf files generated by LyX on
Windows) on Linux (Ubuntu 7.04) the quality is very bad. I guess this
is related to the installed fonts.

******* can you be a little bit more specific? What exactly is bad?
1) bitmap fonts, as explained in
2) you use some special fonts that are not embedded in the final pdf.
Pdf's, by definition, should not depend on any LyX files.
Check and if you do not find a solution send a
minimal example of your pdf.

I thought that pdf, being a "portable document format", didn't need
any special setting on the machine you use. Anyway you can view a
sample pdf generated on my machine (BTW with pdflatex) at:

From: "Paul Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

###### I think I understand the problem that Diego reports. The pdf viewers
in Linux are more accurate and if the fonts are not included in the
pdf file, the quality of the document on the screen looks not so god,
although on paper it looks perfect. If you are using the default LaTeX
font, then put the following line in the preamble of your LyX


and your pdf files will look great on screen.

I think I didn't get all of the 1st part of your reply, but I tried
the suggestion it 2nd part with no success (at least on my machine):
the output pdf is empty.
I tried to export to pdf first as a normal user on windows: LyX
prompted me to install the lmodern package, but it did not produce any
result since I suspect that MiKTeX simply does *not* install the
packages because it does not have write access to its folder (under a
non-administrator account).
Then I tried as an administrator and there it came the mess! No prompt
for package installation and no output.

Is it normal I can't even find the lmoder package on the MiKTeX Package Manager?


ps: thanks for replying. I don't know whether you're using windows or
linux, but I have to say that people here in the lyx-users list are
much more available and prompt than on any (other) linux-related list,
as I could observe in these days of experimentations on linux!

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