This new test-version runs without typing lags on my G4 1.25Ghz, 768MB, Tiger. I have tested this on a new document as the typing lag I experienced with the first rc-Release happened independently of the document length and always.

Though I have to say that the startup time for the PPC-only Version is shorter. Would it be so bad to have two separated Versions for PPC and Intel Macs?


This note is for PPC Mac users only. (Intel Macs are not affected by this.)

LyX-1.5.0 RC 1 for Mac was originally released as a universal binary, and that release was quite slow for PPC Macs. I have just posted a new version that should improve speed on PPC Macs, and I'd like for people experiencing speed issues with the original release to try this one instead. It can be found here:


If you're willing to test, please report on the following:

1. Do you experience a lag between what you type and when it appears on screen with this new version? Please try this in normal text as well as in insets, like footnotes, and math and note environments.

2. If you do experience a typing lag, please provide some detail as to the circumstances you find it:
  * How big is your document?
  * Does it have equations? (Lots?)
  * Does it have figures? (Lots?)
  * When do you notice it most?

3. Provide some details about your computer: processor type (G3, G4, G5) and speed, Mac OS version, amount of RAM.

If any of you are compiling your own versions of LyX, please compare the new version I've just posted against the version you compiled. Is one noticeably faster than the other? (Try timing how long it takes to page down through the User's Guide, e.g. -- but do it twice, reporting the times from the second run for each version of LyX.) Also, please provide details of how you compiled LyX, including:
  * configure flags
  * Qt version



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