Trevor Nicholls wrote:

I would like to define a style/environment which is effectively a standard
paragraph indented by a certain amount, with a small graphic file in the
margin created by the indent. Apart from the text in the paragraph,
everything is fixed, i.e. the graphic is a specific 75x21px image and the
indent is 100px.

(If you haven't guessed already, this is one of these "take careful note"
paragraphs that crop up in operating manuals.)

There are several "nearly" structures in place already, e.g. I wondered if I
could persuade \marginpar to use a graphic instead of text? Or if I could
clone one of the list styles to use the desired graphic?
You can already stick whatever you want in a marginpar, this
thing is not limited to text. Put a graphich there
if you like.
Has anybody achieved this kind of thing? How did you do it?
Of course a custom .layout file is easier to work with, as you
then select the style instead of copying the marginpar with
a graphich inside everytime.  Here is a style I have with a
lightbulb image in the margin:

Style Tip
 CopyStyle     Standard
 ParIndent     -
 NextNoIndent  1
 LatexType     Environment
 LatexName     textwithgrnote
#Got the height from the bounding box in the ps file:
 LatexParam    [28bp-2mm]{bulb}%
 LabelType     Static
 LabelString   (tip)
   Family      Sans
   Size        Tiny


%Text with a marginal symbol:


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