Glad it worked, and don't worry about wasting times, that's what the list is for ;-) If the pasting-problem should re-occur, try to note exactly what you did (from which program you pasted what, etc). It can also be good to open up the Console application (Typically under in your Applications- >Utilities folder, and see if there are any error messages there (it could even be that there are error messages left there from your session yesterday)


On 17 jun 2007, at 21.58, Yaron Y. Goland wrote:

I just tried normal copy/paste using external data and it worked just fine. I swear I tried that yesterday and it didn't work.

I sincerely apologize for wasting the mailing list's time. I can only claim temporary (I hope) insanity.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my mail.


Anders Ekberg wrote:
Yaron Y. Goland
Sat, 16 Jun 2007 21:01:01 -0700

Once upon a time external paste would work via a special external paste option. I read the docs for 1.5.0rc1 and saw that now the middle button is to be used for pasting. Of course by default there is no middle buttons in OS X land but I have a multi button mouse and I used USB Overdrive to configure how it works. I took one of my extra buttons and configured it to be the middle mouse button, the fourth mouse button and the fifth mouse button (as defined by USB overdrive) without much joy. Setting the extra button to be the 'middle mouse button' did cause LYX to paste but it pasted from its internal buffer rather than from the external one.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for external paste? Is there a known setting to get external paste working on OS X using USB Overdrive?


P.S. I did try to internet search for a solution and I checked the mail archives but I couldn't find anything. I also checked the bug list for 1.5. I'm sorry if this question has already been answered but I tried my best to find that answer and failed.
Command V should pastes the most recent copied selection regardless of whether it is external or internal. In addition you have the Paste Recent menu to paste recent internally copied selections. If that doesn't work for you, could you could you please give details on your configuration (language, etc). I have tried with Latin and Cyrillic characters and both work fine for me.

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