Andrew Morrison wrote:
On 9/28/07, Richard Heck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andrew Morrison wrote:
Hi all,

I used lyx 1.3 a few years ago to create my CV and inserted the list
of publications using a bibtex bibliography.  I have the same bib
file, but have now upgraded to lyx 1.4.3 and lyx 1.5.1.  Now when I
try to get a pdf, none of the publications are listed.  I tried
working through the example that is on the wiki, and it works, but
when I use my bib file the "Content" box is grayed out and will not
let me select "all citations" from the bib file.

Any suggestions?

Presumably LyX is not seeing the bib file. Try putting it in the same
directory as the LyX file and rechoosing it in the bibliography dialog.


I tried that with the same result.  Here is the output from the command line:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (Web2C 7.5.4)
The top-level auxiliary file:
The style file: 2_home_morris_cv_jspublist-en.bst
I found no \citation commands---while reading file
Database file #1: 0_home_morris_cv_cv.bib
 -- I selected 0 entries out of 0. --
(There was 1 error message)

It seems like it is seeing it, I just can't tell it to take all the citations.

Did you try clicking on the bibliography inset in the LyX doc, deleting the .bib file, and then reselecting it? Or just deleting the bibliography inset and recreating it? Also, if you View->Source, do you see \ref commands with correct keys?


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