... well, well ...

I found it. I had several citations with the ampersand '&' in the journal's title. Replacing this with '\&' did the trick: My document output is fine now.

Silly me.

-- Christian

Christian Liesen wrote:

I'm writing a scrreport with LyX 1.5.1 (Mac) and have a problem with Bibtex.

I have a lot of citations, and until yesterday evening, everything went smoothly. Then all of a sudden LyX started complaining about a "Misplaced alignment tab character &". Bibtex stopped formatting any citations in the text -- question marks appear instead --, but it does still produce the bibliography at the end of the PDF output.

I exported to LateX and checked the file -- no misplaced & (instead of \&) anywhere.

I've spend hours now and cannot get it back to work. Does anyone know how to debug this?

Many thanks,
-- Christian

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