On  8.11.07, Winson wrote:
> I am writing my thesis with ucthesis.cls downloaded from CTAN and
> installed on my computer. I made my ucthesis.layout as following:

> #% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this      
> #  \DeclareLaTeXClass[ucthesis]{UC Thesis}

> # Read the definitions from report.layout
> Input report.layout

> The layout file works. But when I tried to add a title to my thesis by
> clicking on "Title" in style combo box on the toolbar, I got error
> message "Undefined control sequence" at compilation. 

LyX's error reporting is sometimes misleading if the error is not in
the document itself but either preamble or layout file. You could try
to export a minimal example as LaTeX and run the latex command by hand.
This should give you a better understanding of where the problem might


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