Jens Noeckel wrote:

On Dec 25, 2007, at 2:49 PM, Jens Noeckel wrote:

on Mac OS X 10.4 with LyX 1.5.3 (Intel), text input in the main window slows down to a crawl when editing a large document while at the same time the cross-reference window is left open. It's not noticeable with small documents. I have more than a hundred cross references in the document that I tested, and typing speed is limited to about 2 characters per second.

I wonder if this also happens on Windows or Linux platforms?

I think so yes. This is because *all* opened windows are updated with each keystroke. The cross-reference dialog is maybe not as optimized WRT updates as it should.


As an addendum: this issue is already present in LyX 1.4.4 on the same platform. Of course the work-around is to always close the cross-ref window after inserting a ref, but for users with sufficient display real estate it may be desirable to leave some of those windows open all the time. Switching between open windows is somewhat more convenient than opening and closing a window.

I understand that but there is a work around to this ui problem: use the shortcut:
1) Alt-i r : the dialog will popup
2) arrow key up or down to select your label
3) enter : the dialog will hide and the cross-ref be inserted.

I believe this will improve your efficiency in writing document a lot than when using the mouse to do the same thing. Just my opinion.



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