I just downloaded and installed LyX via the Windows installer. I've used LaTeX before (not recently), but never LyX. In playing around with the LyX Tutorial, I find that after changing some text to red or green and then generating DVI, I get errors such as this,
   LaTeX Error: Undefined color `RED'
with this explanation when I click on the message (yes, the explanation really does refer to green, not red, notwithstanding the message above):
                 {\textcolor{green}{Getting started with \LyX{}}}
   You're in trouble here.  Try typing  <return  to proceed.
   If that doesn't work, type  X <return  to quit.
The resulting DVI has the appropriate colors on the appropriate text, so I don't
 know what the LaTeX errors are complaining about.

This is a weird problem. It's got something to do---I don't know what, yet---with the way LyX is handling "LyX" and "LaTeX". These get converted to custom macros, and they are not playing nice for some reason with \textcolor. I'm cc'ing this to the devel list so someone will take care of it, or at least explain it.

Furthermore, I find that I have to wait at least 10 seconds for Yap to update its display after generating new DVI, and this is on what should be a pretty fast machine: a dual-core newish Thinkpad with 2GB of RAM. Sometimes I've had to wait over 30 seconds for Yap to update.

You don't say which documents you are compiling. Even on my spankin' new quad core monster, the Extended Features manual can take a while to compile. This is a LaTeX thing. Given the references, figures, and stuff, there's a lot to do. LaTeX runs three times, at least. (If you launch LyX from a terminal, you can see what's going on.) If you were really going to write something as long as that manual, it'd be a good idea to break it up into chunks. I suppose that one's not broken up because it's intended to be readable online, via the Help menu. Anyway, it depends on what you are doing. And I guess it depends upon Yap. Maybe it's slow as dirt? What do other people use around here? Anyone? (I'm on Linux.)

It'd be nice if compiling happened in the background. I know that's on several people's radar, but no-one has gotten to it.

My current goal is to evaluate LyX's suitability for a book I'll be writing. The LaTeX errors when using colored text and the long delay for Yap to update its display don't give me a very favorable initial impression. Are these issues simple normal newbie bumps in the road, or are they more likely indicators that
I'm probably going to run into even more problems in the future?
The former is a weird bug that emerged from a combination no-one actually uses. The latter, well, I doubt it's really a long-term issue.


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