George De Bruin wrote:
rgheck wrote:
Hmm. That's very strange. The Ubuntu people should really get with it. It's one thing being slow to update major versions---Debian etch is still at 1.4.3---but it's criminal not to keep up with minor version updates.

And I really don't want to compile from the source...
I don't know why it hasn't been updated yet...I'm a bit surprised looking at the release dates.

But compiling from source isn't difficult with LyX. You don't need that much, and we'll help. ;-)
Not a difficulty issue -- I know how to grab a source tarball, compile and install... Just don't want to have a non-packaged installation. I've just gotten to the point where I have too many other things to maintain that I don't need to go beyond the multiverse repositories. ;-)

I know the feeling. I always have a few things lying around that I can get as rpms, though, even for Fedora, or I have to compile from source for some other reason, e.g. my scanner is only supported in sane-backends cvs. But if it gets more than a few....


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