Hi all,

Does anyone have experience using the movie15 package with LyX? I would like to insert a movie in a document, and have it appear as an animation in the PDF output. I followed the instructions at http://www.uoregon.edu/~noeckel/PDFmovie.html and I am able to get it to work from a terminal command (pdflatex movie.tex), so that means I have all the necessary packages installed. However, importing the sample movie.tex file into LyX produces a bunch of errors when issuing View->PDF (pdflatex). Alternatively, copying the necessary \usepackage commands in the preamble and the basic commands into an ERT box,

text=(Loading Circle-m-increase3.mp4)]{6cm}{6cm}{Circle-m-increase3.mp4}

produces the single error

pdfTeX error (ext5): cannot open file for embedding.

Has anyone gotten movie15 to work with LyX?



P.S. I am using LyX 1.5.3 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.1. My TeX installation is texlive 2007.

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