Well, when i export in dvi format, I obtain a readable dvi file. However some pictures are shown as a black box. I suppose that you are right and there is a problem with the converter of xpm graphics. I'm checking this. I will tell you.

Rudi van der Linde escribió:

Antonio José Guirao Sánchez wrote:

I am trying to compile Math.lyx. I am in Windows with Lyx 1.5.2. First I have needed to change pictures' addresses since lyx did not found them. After that i can use view-pdf. In spite of the fact that lyx seems to compile, when acrobat reader opens, then acrobat tell me that my file is corrupted or has an error. It says literally: "There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired."
I have had this error before when there was a problem with the image(s) in the document. I am currently using LyX 1.5.2 and when I try to export the Math Manual I get an error that says I have to define a converter for the xpm image. I am fairly certain that the "convert" issue will dissapear when I move to a later version of LyX. I have deleted the image and is able to export the document. So I do not have a problem atm.

So my suggestion would be to remove the xmp figure and try again.


Antonio J. Guirao Sánchez.
Universidad de Murcia.
Grupo: Análisis Funcional.
Facultad de Matemáticas, Campus de Espinardo.
Telephone: (+34) 968 363 666
(+34) 627 265 491 E-30100 Murcia (SPAIN)

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