On 11.03.08, Klaus Unger wrote:

> I am using PDF figures. Lyx does convert them to png before and chops them 
> incorrectly. 


 * display in the LyX window?
 * view as/export to Postscript?
 * view as/export to PDF (ps2pdf)?
 * view as/export to PDF (pdflatex)?   <- rather unlikely!

> I would like to use the pdf figures directly, is it possible? 

Yes. (As well as SVG, xfig and a lot of others.)

> How?

Set the right converter in Tools>Preferences>Converters

I have e.g. here on my Debian Gnu/Linux system:

  PDF (ps2pdf) -> EPS       pdftops -f 1 -l 1 -eps $$i $$o  

more recommandation would need more background knowledge.


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