Testing the patience of this group, I have a short term problem.

Well, truth is I probably have several such short term problems,
and I would appreciate help with each.

However, this problem is not with LyX directly, and though the
various experts on this group will likely find motivation to answer
the better questions, I am hoping that some of you will help me
through an off-topic newbie problem.

I need an italic *s* character which has a prime symbol above

I have tried variations of

    \emph\skew9\acute s    and      \it\skew9\acute s

and in no case have I found execution without error upon pdflatex
or the proper result.  At best, there are errors reported, and the
output text is converted to italic after production of the desired
< italic s' > symbol.

Has anyone any idea as to the solution of this problem?

William R. Buckley

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