
I am using LyX 1.5.4 on my Windows XP box.  I am creating some documentation 
and will probably be posting it to the intranet in html.  MS Word generated 
html works but is pretty lame.  Someone told me about LyX and how great it was 
so I decided to give it try.  I open LyX, created a new file, pasted in my word 
document and began converting my stuff to LyX.  I quickly fixed my numbered 
lists, and added sections, subsections, etc.  After a couple of hours my 
document finally started to look presentable.  Somethings still bother me:
1) everything is justified.  How can I change it to left alignment?
2) the first line after a section, subsection, subsubsection begins at the left 
margin, but the other paragraphs under it are indented ie
Section Name
first paragraph
   second paragraph
   third paragraph
3) when I export to html, a css and html file are generated, I need to keep 
this to 1 file.  I found 
http://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-users@lists.lyx.org/msg59378.html but I don't 
know how or where to run the command.
4) when I test the resulting file for w3 validation it tests as valid, but I 
get warnings about NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES on   As I 
understand this the  is for XHTML and not HTML so why is this here?
5) finally the resulting html is better than Word but not great, ie:
  //extra space
  // needless new line and extra space
// way too much whitespace

My Document 3

    This is the first line in my document however when the html is generated
     the line gets broken up by spans
Why are there so many spans?  Why is span and class separated by a newline?


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