On Monday 31 March 2008 01:07:40 pm Rex C. Eastbourne wrote:
> Hello all,
> For those who haven't seen it, the new LyX website is now at:
> http://www.lyx.org/test/index.php/Main/HomePage
> We're still doing some design work, but the basics are in place. What do
> you all think?

Just one carping criticism: 
I don't think the 2nd par is punchy enough and doesn't do justice to how 
brilliant LyX is.

You have:

LyX combines the power and flexibility of the TeX typesetting system with the 
ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for 
creation of mathematical content and structured documents. In addition, 
staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation 
come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a 
theatre play or film script. A broad array of ready, well designed document 
layouts are built in.
I'd prefer something like this:

Achieve effortless superiority in document production!
Without learning any special language or code,  just type your content into a 
Graphic front end and the superb TeX typesetting system will give you 
beautifully presented documents laid out to professional standards developed 
over the centuries. Mathematics, academic stuff like reference lists and 
indexes, tables of contents - all available with mouse clicks (or quick keys 
if you want to learn them). It's just a mouse click to generate a Table of 
Contents (LyX looks after the page numbering for you).

You choose from pick lists the type of document you want: letter, book, 
report, theatre play, film script etc. LyX accepts your content and sends it 
to TeX to be typeset appropriately for your chosen format.

For the TeX (or LaTeX) expert you can still indulge your love of (or need for)  
the arcana of the TeX language and LaTeX macros for special effects and 
tinkering via LyX's Evil Red TeX (ERT) dialogue box.

John O'Gorman
> Rex

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