Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Hello LyX testers,

I uploaded a new snapshot of the upcoming LyX version 1.6.0 for Windows. The first alpha of LyX 1.6 was build a week ago, this version includes additionally the bugfixes from this week (erything until SVN commit 24066).

NOTE: LyX 1.6 is in alpha state! That means it is not stable enough for a beta test release, so expect crashes and inconsistencies. This preview release is build for interested LyX users who want
to check out the new features of LyX.

The new features of LyX are listed here:


Hi Uwe,

I have been testing your last version (March 10) and have now upgraded to this one. I found the previous version nice enough that I converted a 20 pages document I was writing with Word (the standard in my company) to LyX. I prefer an alpha with a few crashes that do not corrupt my data (I had some crashes with the 2 pre-alphas) to a final product which crashes and corrupts my data (this happened with every version of Word I used so far in the last 10 years).

Here are the main comments I have as a user:

1- Like your previous package, your installer lacks 3 python files. It prevents opening any previous format and consequently the documentation. They are files required by Lyx2Lyx (they were not required in version 1.5): gettext.py, optparse.py and textwrap.py. Fortunately, there is a simple fix. Inkscape has them, so copying the 3 .py files from "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\python\Lib" to the "Resources\lyx2lyx" folder fixes the issue (I guess most Windows Lyx users also have Inkscape installed).

2- I had some "runtime C" crashes (I do not remember the exact error message). In the case of such crashes, no emergency file was written to the disk. I had it once with the previous version and once with the current version, so it is not too frequent.

3- The bundled format option is broken: It "kind of" makes the file write-only for subsequent openings.
Simple test case:
  - open lyx, create a new file
  - choose the save as bundled format option
  - save the file as foo2.lyx and close it
  - reopen the file
- type some text. try to save: lyx fails to write and says "please check wether the directory exists and is writable". Saving it as bar.lyx works though.

4- Toggles are not perfect. They are working much better than the previous (march 10) version, but they still have small issues. Example: the outliner toogle button in the toolbar. When clicked, the icon switches to some kind of pressed state and the outliner open. If you close the outliner by the "x" at its top-right, the toggle will still be "on" while the outliner is no more. It was worse with previous version because afterwards, you could click the button again and and have it in "off" state with the outliner open. But this is not the case any more, so most of the issues are fixed (I had similar problem with the math toolbar).

5- I haven't been able to have the spellchecker to work. It complains about not finding the en_US dictionary, but this one is installed, and the installer told me it had found it.

I will try to find a reproducable way for point 2, but it might be linked to point 3.

Apart from that, I rediscovered the pleasure to write without taking care about references, figure positions, etc.

Best regards, and thanks for providing this preview (to you and everyone else involved).


PS: Is there a way to have PNG images displayed in lyx to be interpolated with linear interpolation instead of nearest neighbour ? I use a 50% scale, and they look terrible. I could not find in the preference (viewer and editor are on "auto")

PPS: I am using the gmane interface and have just installed thunderbird for that, so I apologise if the message is sent in a bad way to the list.

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