On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 10:58 AM, B. Bogart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm happy that I've been able to get something to work at all, but how
>  can I use the proper style in LyX directly without having to manually
>  edit the tex file after exporting?
>  Why does the \maketitle command get added when I import the tex?
>  Why does output bail on the \qualification{} commands?
>  Why does the output of the document using the layout that uses the
>  thesis style file not generate output that resembles the sample file?
>  Thanks for your time,
>  B. Bogart

Well, I looked at your bbtest.tex file and the first thing I noticed
is that it calls for report.cls. So you should create a
sfuthesis.layout based on report not article.

Anyways, when you insert a title or author field in LyX it
automatically inserts a '\maketitle' command but your bbtest.tex does
not do this.

Long story short. Inserting '\renewcommand\maketitle{}' in the
preamble of bbtest.tex eliminated the errors in the file and produced
good output.


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