My question is whether I can insert a command that will appear in the header of an .html file created by LyX. I'd like to do it through the document settings or other means. Some background follows.

I have been using LyX for some time now and have grown to like it. I particularly like that I can save homework solutions for the Chemistry and Physics courses I teach both in .pdf for printing and .html for putting on the web.

I want to put some sort of security on the web versions to at least make it difficult to print the file. When I used OpenOffice, I could save a .pdf that required a password for printing. With LyX, I didn't see how to do this, but I inserted the lines:

<style media="print">

body {display: none;}


in the header of the file after LyX created it. Though not too time consuming, my preference is to just have it in the file.

Is there a way to do this with LyX, possibly through the document settings?

Thank-you for any help!

--Jason Waskiewicz
 Bowman County Schools
 Bowman, ND

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