Am Donnerstag, 10. April 2008 16:59 schrieben Sie:
> Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> > by converting my book from LyX to a pdf file, I get errors from the
> > bibtex references. Is there a program which checks the correctness of the
> > entrances?
> Not that I know, but Jabref sometimes warn you that you are doing something
> wrong. Try to open your bib.file with Jabref make a dummy modification and
> save it.
> Try if it helps.
> regards Uwe

Thanks, Uwe, but I am using already Jabref and did not get any warning. 

The best would be to have a program which checks a bib file for Bibtex-correct 
entrances. I thought I have heard about it once, but don't remember which. 
What would be the best keyword(s) to check for it in the internet?

Otherwise, what is better, to split the references in the bib file and try 
parts of it, until I found the errors 
or, alternatively, split the document and try?

Its a book with over 600 pages and more than 1700 references, so the last 
method is combersome. 

By the way, I have extracted the references used in the book from my bib files 
by using a nice feature of Jabref

(on a command line)
jabref --aux book.aux, new.bib old.bib

after having exported my book.tex as plain latex and run it on the command 
line three times 
latex book
which produces among others a book.aux file

new.bib contains now only the used references.


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