> >  I'm writing a thesis with scrartcl and want to clear the indent of 
> > LOF and  LOT. I already read, that this is possible by 
> setting the option "listsleft"
> >  of koma-script. But how can I set this option in LyX?
> Document->Settings->Document Class->Options.

Thanks, that works...

> >  And last but not least: The tables I inserted do also have 
> >  a little indent.
> >  Is it possible to change that?
> Setting listsleft modifies the lot also. Is this your question?

No, I didn't mean the LOT. For example, I put my Abbreviations into a Table
where they are defined. Although I made the lines invisible, the content of
the fields have a little indent because of the invisible Line. Is it
possible to erase that line completely? Or perhaps I can set the parindent
to -3pt for this table?


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