Hello and thank you for the information.

For simple graphs or when everything else fails) it is worth to try it.

Please find attached a script to create eps files (graphs) from this program. 
To run it, in a command line give ./myeps <file name> without the tex or lyx.
In fact I tried it with tex and works. May be is a good idea to create eps 
files for inclusion in LyX.
Otherwise, I suggest to give a try to TikZ and PGF version 2.00. 
It creates PDF files inside LyX and it is as powerful as Pstricks,


PS. The script is from the pstricks site 

On Monday 28 April 2008 18:16:29 Ken wrote:
> Hi.  I recently discovered LaTeXDraw as a useful GUI for making
> drawings and the resulting PostScript code.  I have copied a very
> simple chunk of code into a LyX document but am having difficulty
> getting the image to show up.  Does anyone have a working example they
> would be happy to share?  Alternatively, I have attached my simple
> example... does anyone know how to make it work?
> This is not urgent/important.  It would just be nice if I could get it
> to work and hopefully this information will be useful to others too.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best,
> Ken

Attachment: myeps
Description: application/shellscript

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