On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Adrian Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use Lyx to write my dissertation.  However, our university already
> provides a LaTex template (cls file) that has to be followed exactly.  What
> is the easiest way to use Lyx to write my dissertation?

If you want to use LyX it could get quite involved, but you can always
start slow and build up to see if it will work.

> (1)    Should I try to create a layout file to use the latex cls file?  I
> have never created a Lyx layout file before so I don't know how difficult
> this is.  Any help on this or a if a tutorial exists on how to create a
> layout file for a cls file would be greatly appreciated.  I have attached
> the cls file.

The layout file is really just for LyX representation. I looked at
your .cls file and they use the report.cls so I just copied:

C:\Program Files\LyX15\Resources\layouts\report.layout
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\lyx15\layouts\report.layout

I then renamed report.layout to ufthesis.layout and changed the first line from:


And done. You now have a layout file for your ufthesis.cls file.

Next, you need to place the ufthesis.cls in your local texmf
directory. For me on XP with MiKTeX 2.6 this is located at:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\MiKTeX\2.6\tex\latex

Then refresh the MiKTeX FNDB. In Start->All Programs->MiKTeX
2.6->Settings->General. After that you should start LyX and
Tools->Reconfigure (Important step). Then restart LyX and under
Document->Settings->Document Class you should see ufthesis and now
when you insert the toc, chapters, etc they should match the
formatting of the thesis when you export to pdf or dvi.

> (2)    Should I try to import a sample Tex file the university provides into
> Lyx?  I tried to import it into Lyx but it failed.  Not sure what is going
> on.  I have attached the sample Tex file as well.

I was able to import the .tex with this new ufthesis.layout, but it
looks like it could be complicated. So, like I said you'll probably
want to start with a blank document and just modify it to match the
thesis requirements.

> I am not an advanced Lyx user so thank you very much in advance for the
> help.
> Adrian


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