
i am having  some weird behaviour using the program listing environment.
Using Lyx 1.5.3 under Ubuntu 8.04. Also tested the debian version 1.5.4
backport) both with the same problem. Also tested on opensuse 10.3 (lyx
1.5.2) with the same result.

Looking at the (german) users-guide, i'll find a listing  containing a
numbered caption and space after it for a description.

But when i try to insert a listing via menu->insert->program listing, i
only get an __empty__ listing environment __without__ neither a numbered
caption nor a space for putting a label.

Copying the listing environment out of  the users-guide lyx document
into another lyx file works fine, the numbering is correct and so on. 

Inserting another list into the users-guide doesn't work either.

What am I doing wrong?
How can I get numberd program listings without copying from the

Axel Pospischil  
Wiesbaden, Germany


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