On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 07:12:14AM +0000, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> by declaring a new command \Molek
> \newcommand*{\Molek}[2]{#1\texstsubscript{#2}}
> which I did by putting this in the preamble of my Koma-book document.
> In the text I write in an ERT-box
> \Molek H{2}

You probably want \Molek{H}{2} in the box instead.

In any case, I find it easier (less and more convenient keystrokes) to
simply type 

  H <math-mode> _2 <space>

directly in Lyx to accomplish the same thing, where <math-mode> is
whatever keybinding you have to enter in-line math formulas and
<space> is the space bar.


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