On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Dominik Böhm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have got a really important issue that needs to be solved as soon as
> possible: How can I get rid of the numbering of the bibliography? I used a
> bibtex database for my bibliography but haven't used the quoting
> functionality inside my document. Now, my bibliography gets numbered like
> that
> [1] Author1, Title
> [2] Author2, Title
> I would like to have it like that:
> Author1, Title
> Authro2, Title
> I haven't been able to change the bibtex-format like that (I attached the
> style that I have been using to this mail).
> Can anybody please help me? It is really important for me that the
> bibliography is not numbered.

Just change the style of your bibliography to one with no numbers:

Insert --> List/TOC --> BibTeX Bibliography.


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