
There may be a specific problem with that one document that is not visible in the LyX GUI. Can you cut down the offending document to just enough to demonstrate the problem and either post it to the list or, if it is too large (or too private), mail it to me?


Hans J. Prueller wrote:

thank you for helping out - it is strange. As soon as I try to
reproduce the problem in a new document, everything works as
expected. somehow it has to depend on the concrete document itself
... any idea?


Am Sonntag, den 08.06.2008, 11:01 -0400 schrieb Paul A. Rubin:
Hans Prueller wrote:

I am writing a stardard report in "report" document class. the
report contains several formulars (which are inserted with

to write a header for the formulas, i've used the "paragraph"
style (which makes the heading text appear bold) for the word
"definition:" above the inserted formulas.

when I preview the report as PDF, the text that was marked with
"paragraph" style  ("definition:") is not visible.

is this a bug in latex/lyx or did I do something wrong?

any help appreciated!

regards, HANS

Can you post a small example file in which this occurs?  Please cut
out anything that is not required to demonstrate the problem.

Cheers, Paul

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