
I have a problem:
I'm using lyx 1.5.3 under linux (Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron). In the document 
configuration I have set book (memoir) whith US letter size. Trouble begins 
when I try to insert a picture as a flotant inside a flotant adjusted to text 
(excuse me if translation isn't ok, but I'm using an spanish version of lyx).
When I put the image, and export to PDF or PostScript I won't see the pic. What 
it's more: If I try to put some text to describe the picture (subfigure) I'll 
have the next error mesage:
LaTeX Error: Command [EMAIL PROTECTED] already defined.
I have been seeking for an answer but I just found that I shoud 
write\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} but this won't work either. Any answers?
Thank you.

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