    I'm new to Lyx. I wanted to add a "\arccot" self-defined function in my
document, and I followed the help's instruction to add
"\DeclareMathOperator{\arccot}{arccot}" in "Document->settings...->LaTeX
Preamble", but after I did it, nothing happened. When I typed "\arccot",  it
still does not act like "\sin" or "\arctan". It does't turn to upright font.
    With my research getting deeper, I found that the hlep document "Math.lyx"
in my LYX, also suffered from the similar failure. In this document, the
examples which should've demonstrated the usage of "\DeclareMathOperator"
doesn't work too, including "\\DeclareMathOperator*{\Lozenge}{\blacklozenge}"
and "\DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn}".
    My Operating System is Windows xp sp2, and the lyx version is 1.5.5. 

    Thank you for your help, and sorry for my poor English expression.


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