I really like lyx. I just find something a bit hard. Some things are easier to be done via the keyboard (otherwise it's back to MS point and click nightmare). I mean in an equation it is much easier to just do \pi for Pi or \neq for the not equal sign. What about in standard mode when I am writing text? Can I use lyx as a non WYSIWYG editor? I heard some people say using vim and then compiling the document but I really don't have time learning the whole lot of things about TeX/Latex and I would like partial WYSIWYG with options of inputing source directly and the application substituting it
with the appropriate symbols. Can Lyx do that?

Note that in LyX equations you actually can type math commands (like \pi), Lyx then automagically replaces them by the corresponding symbol -- IMHO a really cool features!


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