On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 1:09 AM, rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Abe Lau wrote:
>> It looks to me that I could only choose a maximum base font size of 12 in
>> amsbook.  Is there any way I could use a slightly larger font size, e.g.
>> 13/14?
>> I have tried to add 13 to the file amsbook.layout.  While the lyx
>> interface
>> allows me to change the size to 13, it has no effect on the output PDF.
> This setting is passed as an option to the amsbook.cls, and it's up to it
> what sizes to accept. 12pt seems to be the largest. memoir.cls seems to
> allow 14pt.
> rh

Thanks rh,
>From what I see in amsbook.cls, I found a section

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ptsize{2}%
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] normalsize
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]@xxvpt}{30}}%
  \normalsize \linespacing=\baselineskip
not v sure if modifying it will give me what I want or not... will try that
out later.  Has anyone else have similar experience, or am I missing

, or suggestion on a better/nicer way to deal with this?

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