Hi Florin,

I can confirm this for Lyx 1.5.6 and 1.6.x.
I realized this already but as the typesetting is ok, I thought this was maybe some weird but expected behaviour of Lyx.
But as you pointed it out, it seems to be an error.
Maybe you could post it on the bugtracker?



Am 22.08.2008 um 13:01 schrieb Florin Oprina:

Hi all.
Today I've seen the funniest bug in LyX:
I have a paper which uses natbib for citations. In my bib database, I
have an entry which says:

 author = {Kageyama, Tarō},
title = {The Place of Morphology in the Grammar: Verb-Verb compounds in {J}apa
 journal = {Yearbook of Morphology},
 year = {1989},
 volume = {2},
 pages = {73--94}
Now, when I try to cite this paper, in LyX I see Kageyama (Yearbook of
Morphology), instead of the expected Kageyama(1989)
If I typeset the paper, the result is just fine, so the problem is
only with what LyX displays in the editor.

I thought there is something wrong with my bib database, but
everything was fine. WTF? And then it hit me: the word "Year" in the
journal name must be the culprit. Probably LyX interprets it as some
sort of keyword and displays that instead of the real year of

I played around a bit and my suspicion was confirmed: (i) removing
"Year" from the journal name produces the correct result, as does (ii)
changing the order between the journal and year fields in the bibfile.

This happens in LyX 1.5.3


Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, "Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." (Charlie Brown)

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