On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 05:09:25PM +0200, Ludwig Geske wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> somehow I managed to include a nomenclature command into the environment  
> of a Subsubsection. Now Lyx opens the file, but only till this erroneous  
> line. From this line on the content of the file is not displayed and if  
> I save the file, the text is gone.
> I tried to change the file externally, but if I do so, Lyx does no  
> longer open it and tells me this is no lyx-file.
> What can I do?

If there's no confidential stuff in there you can send me the file in
private mail and I'll have a look tonight.

Changing the file externally should work, but the .lyx format is
fragile in some places...


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