G. Milde wrote:
On 29.08.08, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
James Sutherland wrote:
Shift-Tab cycles in reverse as it has in the past, but Tab does not
cycle forward...

This is a known problem that we intend to fix before 1.6.0. The problem
is that the completion framework monopolize the tab key for requesting

Just courious:
* even if the completion feature is switched off?

This is hard-coded right now so yes, I think so, not sure though.

* is the Tab binding hard-coded or configurable?

hard-coded :-/

We need to find a good key in replacement for tab but we
didn't reach a consensus yet. Feel free to suggest something.

In my favourite text editor, I use Ctrl-A for completion and Tab for

But IMO, there is need for "configurable adaptive" keybindings:

user configurable: This is already possible (via the *.bind files and since
                   1.6 also via GUI)

adaptive: "smart" bindings that take into account the context, e.g.
          the same key should be configurable to different lfuns
          in math and text mode.
          There are simply too few keys for too many actions,
          so we should avoid bindings that result in "command disabled".

Right. We try to do that with Tab related keys.


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